Enable Doors client logging for debug

Here are 2 ways described to enable logging for DOORS client communication

There are two ways to enable client-side logging in DOORS Client.:

  1. To enable client-side logging in DOORS Client, you can execute a DXL command from your DOORS Client.

Execute the following DXL command from the Rational DOORS Client before starting the operation you want to debug:

string logfileLocation = "c:\\temp\\doorsclientlog. txt"

int logLevel = 6 startLogging_(logfileLocation, logLevel)

  1. You can enable client-side logging in DOORS Client during startup by using the following parameter.

doors.exe -msgLogFile "C:\temp\doorsclientlog.txt" -msgLogLevel 6

Note: The log does not contain sensitive information, but only file transactions..

Nachdem der Vorgang, der eine Protokollierung erfordert, abgeschlossen ist:

  1. Exit the DOORS Client.
  2. Compress the log files (e.g., into a .zip file) and send them to IBM Support.

The client-side logging in DOORS Client is automatically disabled when you exit the DOORS Client..

You can also disable logging by executing the following DXL command under Tools > Edit DXL.:
