Errormessages and Treatment in Requisis MiX

Error Message Reason of Message

Treatment of error

Update structure fails, invalid task tracker! Cannot write structure. Possibly no write permissions, or module locked.

Please check in DNG if write permissions are available or modules are locked by another user.

Contact MiX Support with corresponding advanced log. To the instructions for creating the advanced log.

Resolve structure binding failed [[%p1%]] Structure cannot be processed.  Issues with processing the module structure. Contact MiX Support with corresponding advanced log. To the instructions for creating the advanced log.
Module stream invalid! Please check in DNG if stream is deleted, discarded or provided Module stream or change set is no longer valid.  Check whether the stream or the change set for the module still exists. Contact MiX support with corresponding advanced log. To the instructions for creating the advanced log.
Invalid server, target "Server URI" is not configured in the mix configuration json file." Could not find the DNG server URI in the json file.

Contact the admin to add the DNG server URI to the configuration json file.

Failed to sync structure! Cannot write structure. Possibly no write permissions, or module locked. Please check in DNG if write permissions are available or modules are locked by another user.
Failed to sync artifacts! Cannot write data. Possibly no write permissions, or artifacts locked. Please check in DNG if write permissions are available or artifacts are locked by another user.
Failed to load data from server, please check credentials: "oauth_problem=invalid_expired_token" "Server URI" The message means that the Oauth token is no longer valid (login too long ago). But it can also be due to the fact that the used oAuth consumeris additionally configured in RM. Please only configure oAuth consumer in JTS. Never in RM also.
Failed to load creation factory.  The Creation Factory cannot be loaded. This means that the tool does not know which artifacts or modules it is allowed to create.  Contact MiX Support with corresponding advanced log.  To the instructions for creating the advanced log.
Data loss for attribute <Attributename> in DNG Artifact <Artifact ID>. Data loss not allowed. The artifact type of the mentioned artifact would be changed by this migration and data in DNG would be lost. This migration aborts. Undo the corresponding type change or activate the checkbox "Allow data loss on artifact type change" in the Advanced Settings to agree with a possible data loss.

Could not write link.

DOORS source module: <DoorsPath> <Object-ID>

DOORS target module: <DoorsPath> <Object-ID>

Not allowed

The user does not have enough rights in DNG to create the link between the mentioned DOORS objects in DNG. Adjust the user rights of the used user in DNG.

Could not write link.

DOORS source module: <DoorsPath> <Object-ID>

DOORS target module: <DoorsPath> <Object-ID>

Not allowed <ID> The link cannot be created because the source of the link is a data stream that requires change sets. This stream cannot be the source of a new link because it cannot store links. Create a link whose source is a change set.

The source of the link is a data stream that requires change sets. This stream cannot be the source of a new link because it cannot store links. Create a link whose source is a change set.
Could not write link for <DoorsPath> <Object-ID> due to invalid link constrains. Please make sure that " has 'ANY' as allowed target. The link of the specified DOORS object cannot be created due to the linking rules in DNG. Choose a different link type or adjust the linking rules in the DNG component properties.
Could not load task tracker state! Task Tracker status cannot be retrieved.  Issues with processing. Contact MiX Support with corresponding advanced log. To the instructions for creating the advanced log.
Cannot create structure, server task finished with error! Cannot write structure. Issues with processing the module structure. Contact MiX Support with corresponding advance log. To the instructions for creating the advanced log.
Buffer for transfer data to dng corrupted Data transfer to DNG not possible.  Contact MiX support with corresponding advanced log. To the instructions for creating the advanced log.