For a test import it may be necessary to import a module without using the normal meta data. This may be necessary, for example, if you want to import a self-exported module for the test itself.
Step-by-step guide
To perform a re-import as a fresh insert, you can use the normal export.
But for the import you need a new configuration module. In this module you have to enter other metadata. Either another SQL database schema (which you have to create first) or a SQLite file. This is also a kind of database. But this consists only of a single file in which the metadata is stored.
Example for SQL-Lite:
Start the option "Configure Metadata" from your new configuration module
In the new window you set up a new SQLite database:
- Set the Database Format to "File-based".
- Select a path and add a "data name"{.db} to it (Omitting brackets and quotation marks is only used to define the format) The file does not have to exist. The tool creates it.
- Check the setting with "Check Settings". If everything is OK this will cause the new file to be created in the specified path and a connection attempt will be made.
- Important: Finally click on Save Settings or your settings will be lost.