Network installation

Procedure for network installation of requisis products

Step by step guide

To deploy a Requisis product on the network, follow these steps:


Install the MySQL server centrally on any server, preferably on the DOORS server, and ensure that the firewall is configured to allow all clients to access the MySQL server.

Create MySQL user (note access data)

Create ReX database schema (see manual)

Copy the folders addins and projectaddins from the ReX installer from the DXL folder to a UNC share MySQL database data in the addins\REQUISIS\requisis_ReX\config\config.cfg register

installDirectory in addins\REQUISIS\requisis_ReX\config\config.cfg match to the corresponding UNC path

installDirectory in addins\REQUISIS\requisis_ReX\config\settings.dxl adjust to the corresponding UNC path (here the \ must be replaced by respectively)

Copy the sent to the addins\REQUISIS\requisis_ReX\library folder (replace the existing file).

requisis_MiX / requisis_DoX

Copy the addins and projectaddins folders from the installer from the DXL folder to a UNC share.

Adjust the MIX_INSTALL_PATH in the settings.dxl file located at addins\REQUISIS\requisis_MiX\config to the corresponding UNC path. If necessary, make any additional adjustments to the settings in the same settings.dxl file at addins\REQUISIS\requisis_MiX\config.

Enter the DNG server URLs and data in the configuration.json file located at addins\REQUISIS\requisis_MiX\php\conf.

Copy the provided file to the addins\REQUISIS\requisis_MiX\config folder, replacing the existing file.

Setting up DXL Add-ins and DXL Project Add-ins on the DOORS Client

To start the DOORS client, you simply need to provide the path to the addins and project-addins.

Method 1: Modifying the Registry

This step needs to be performed on each client PC. A recommended approach is to use group policies for a smooth rollout.

This can be done either under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Telelogic\DOORS\9.6\Config or HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Telelogic\DOORS\9.6\Config.

Set the "Addins" and "Projectaddins" as keys on the corresponding UNC path, and if necessary, create the registry key.


An entry under HKEY_CURRENT_USER takes precedence, meaning that if a user has made an entry here, the entry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE will have no effect.

Method 2: Command-Line Parameters

Another alternative to modifying the registry is to pass the path to the addins and project-addins as command-line parameters to the doors.exe application.

You can use the following parameters:

- addins (path to the addins)

- projectaddins (path to the project-addins)

For example:

doors.exe -addins \\server\path\to\addins -projectaddins \\server\path\to\projectaddins