(Quick) - Installation or Update the requisis_Toolbox

Instructions for installing or upgrading the requisis_Toolbox / ReqIF-Manager in Docker environment


Before you can start the installation you need:

  • DNG 6.06 or higher
  • a Docker installation and Docker Compose on the system where you want to install the requisis_ReqIF Manager
  • an email from product support with your license and feature information.
  • an email from product support with your Harbor account information
  • the download of the initial requisis_reqif-manager-X.x.zip package / evaluation package 

Unpack the initial zip package in the desired installation path on your system. In the subfolder Administrator-Manual you will find a pdf file with more detailed installation instructions.

Copy the features.yml file from the email to the subfolder store/toolbox/config


Open the admin area of your DNG server in a new browser tab and navigate to the page Communication → Consumers (Inbound) the following URL will help you:


Follow the instructions on the page to generate OAuth consumer keys for requisis_Toolbox / ReqIF-Manager.

Edit with an editor the file mix-config.json which can also be found in the subfolder store/toolbox/config. In this file you determine with which DNG servers the requisis_Toolbox / ReqIF-Manager is allowed to connect.

  • Add the URL of your DNG server to the targetUrl line.  Please note that slash / needs to be escaped with a backslash \ in the json format.
  • Add the value of the Consumer Key property to the oauth_clientId line.
  • In the oauth_clientSecret line, add the value of the Consumer Secret property.

Repeat these steps for each DNG Server the requisis_Toolbox / ReqIF-Manager is allowed to connect to.

Save the file mix-config.json


Open the .env file in the root directory with an editor

  • In the line HARBOR_USER= add your Harbor username. If this line is missing, add it at the end of the file.
    Ex: HARBOR_USER=robot$myCompany
  • In the line PW= add the password of the harbor user. If this line is missing, add it under the HARBOR_USER line.
    Ex: PW=<veryLongString>

Save the .env file

Do not use comments (lines beginning with a #) in the .env file, as these can lead to problems when executing the start script.

If you cannot do without comments, only add them to your backup copy of the .env file.


Open the file startDocker.cmd

  • Add the line docker login, with username and PW This line must be before the docker pull commands.
    Ex: docker login -u %HARBOR_USER% -p %PW%https://harbor.requisis.com:443

Save the startDocker.cmd file. Once you run the startDocker.cmd the requisis_Toolbox / ReqIF-Manager will be installed. This will take several minutes. For DNG server settings, see the Configuration chapter in the Administrator Manual.

If this error occurs when executing the script:

Error response form daemon: Get "https://harbor.requisis.com": Forbidden

The error message can also look slightly different, but means the same:

Error: Get "https://harbor.requisis.com": Forbidden

To resolve this problem, add this URL to your firewall as an exception/whitelist. The URL mentioned in the error message is one of the URLs from the .env file from which the images for the Docker containers are pulled.

Open a new browser tab with the address: localhost:8080 to display the requisis_Toolbox / ReqIF-Manager.

For the Evalauations license you can log in with the user test and the password test.


To trigger an update to a new version of the requisis_Toolbox / ReqIF-Manager perform the following steps:

Stop the Docker container "requisis-toolbox-docker_server" for example with the command docker-compose down . The duration of the shutdown depends on whether jobs are still running in the background.

Open the .env file in the root directory with an editor.

In the line REQUISIS_TOOLBOX_IMAGE= at the end now change the version tag for this there are three possible variants:

The parameter REQUISIS_TOOLBOX_IMAGE was called REQIF_MANAGER_IMAGE in earlier versions. If you update to a new version, you only change the tag in the line. Do not change the parameter name!

  1. To update to a specific version write out the tag completely for example: 4.4.01-stable for version 4.4.01
    Ex: /requisis-toolbox:4.4.01-stable
  2. If you want to have automatic updates for your version use the following tag: 4.4-stable As soon as there is an update to version 4.4.02 you will get it automatically.
    Ex: /requisis-toolbox:4.4-stable
  3. You can also always use the latest currently available version: /requisis-toolbox:latest-stable
If you do not want to update to the next major version (e.g. from version 4 to 5), then you should not use this (3.) option.

    Save the file .env

    By running the script startDocker.cmd it will check if you are currently using the latest version configured in your .env file and update it if not. Afterwards, the Docker containers are started up again. This may take some time due to the update. As soon as you can see the Reqif Manager interface in the browser again, the update is complete.

    With the command docker-compose logs -f server you can follow the process of update and migration.