SQL error messages and what they mean


Failed to insert typedef ID into metadata database (module RIFID: '_640fe205be43f1b269c3ca15939959eb', typedef RIFID:

 '_5a3513989ae0be7748e8b99e26931b12', typedef name: 'String').
 SQL statement could not be executed:
 INSERT INTO typedef (M_RIFID, RIFID, Name) VALUES (?, ?, ?)
Vendor Error Code: 19
[SQLITE_CONSTRAINT]  Abort due to constraint violation (UNIQUE constraint failed: typedef.M_RIFID, typedef.Name)


Vendor Error Code: 1062 Duplicate entry '_f305aaea-af77-493d-a688-479da9d7f732-String' for key 'typedefUkMRifidName'


In metadata dabase an entry with Name and M_RIFID already exists wiht differen RIFID. You can not insert different RIFID for the same Type Name and Module.


Get your ReX responsible remove the incorrect entry with the corresponding M_RIFID and the name from the table typedef from your metadata database.